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Greenville County Amateur Director Robbie Gravley (L) and 2009 Champion Chris Wilkins (R)

Sunday's Final results

Wilkins Chris 71 70 73 214 *won on 2nd playoff hole
Barker Thomas 72 71 71 214
Eassy Chris 71 72 72 215
Brock Danny 71 76 69 216
Ware Jeff 72 74 71 217
Stephens Jeff 74 71 72 217
Revis Jeremy 75 70 73 218
Ferrell Garland 67 72 79 218
Owens Casey 73 73 73 219
Cloer Michael 74 71 74 219
Cobb Rick 73 67 79 219
Beam Scott 75 74 71 220
Johnson Mack 76 71 73 220
Henderson John 71 76 73 220
Mitchell Andy 72 76 72 220
Hendley Todd 73 72 75 220
Williams Nick 73 74 74 221
Crane Jared 74 74 74 222
Oyervides Derrick 75 72 75 222
Sargent Herbie 73 74 75 222
Berchiatti Geno 75 72 75 222
Ingalls Mark 72 70 82 224
Grumbles Marcus 72 75 77 224
Siefort Chad 73 76 75 224
Suber Whit 76 73 75 224
Bowers Bill 71 73 81 225
Early Keith 77 71 79 227
Harvey Bill 75 74 78 227
McGaha Benji 74 75 78 227
Wilson Jimmy 76 73 79 228
Myers Andy 73 73 83 229
Hartin Mike 73 74 82 229
Wagner Duff 74 75 80 229
Hall Mark 74 71 88 233

Gault Jr Michael 78 72 72 222
Grumbles Shane 77 75 72 224
Edens Adam 77 73 76 226
Lutomski Robert 73 79 75 227
Jaeggi Jeff 77 75 76 228
Ramey Doug 70 81 78 229
Johnson Yancey 78 74 77 229
Hines Bobby 76 74 81 231
Stathakis Michael 76 74 81 231
Baldwin Jesse 75 75 82 232
Ashworth Tommy 78 73 81 232
Friday Scott 71 80 82 233
Morris Pat 74 77 82 233
Bridwell Trey 74 76 84 234
Ellington David 78 72 84 234
Kirkland Ken 78 72 85 235
Souza Mark 73 79 85 237

Askins Charlie 80 73 71 224
Page Roger 79 76 71 226
Gravley Mike 73 81 75 229
O'Neal Josh 76 78 75 229
Torres Mark 76 78 76 230
Carter Ken 78 77 75 230
Rodgers Britt 76 79 75 230
Seidel Will 75 78 78 231
Tedstone Bradley 76 77 78 231
DeShields Mike 80 74 77 231
Lewis Brian 76 78 77 231
Banks Nat 76 77 79 232
Jaeggi Greg 77 78 78 233
Moody Mark 79 76 78 233
Hurst Voit 77 77 80 234
Hughey Hunter 77 77 81 235
Hawkins Brad 79 76 81 236
Scott Steve 82 73 82 237
Kirven Steven 77 76 85 238
Hammacher Joe 72 83 85 240
Reardon Pat 77 78 87 242

Robarge Richard 78 78 71 227
Cash Glen 79 77 76 232
Black Adam 80 77 75 232
Dean Bill 81 76 75 232
Gillig Russ 80 78 74 232
Johnson Rob 76 80 77 233
Gosnell Tad 78 80 75 233
Tooke Doug 80 76 78 234
Kelley Bill 78 79 79 236
Waldthausen Kurt 80 76 81 237
Borders D.A. 80 78 79 237
Leslie Bo 78 79 81 238
Clontz Ron 81 77 80 238
Schulz Craig 81 75 83 239
Balkcum Ty 82 76 81 239
McCann Steven 77 79 84 240
Brewer Matt 81 77 82 240
Hyder Wade 83 75 83 241
Brissie Rob 81 76 88 245
English Noel 76 81 WD WD
Reid Todd 80 78 WD WD

Garland Ferrell takes one shot lead into final round of 2009 Powerade Greenville County Amateur...


Rick Cobb is one stroke behind following a 67 on Saturday........

Garland Ferrell held on to the lead after the 2nd round of the 42nd Annual Powerade Greenville County Amateur on Saturday, but Rick Cobb came charging with a 5 under par 67 to get within one shot of the 2006 County Champ. Cobb, who finished 2nd to Jeremy Revis in a playoff in 2003 at Pebble Creek, made two eagles to highlight his round. Ferrell shot even par 72 on Saturday to put him at 139 going into the final round. Chris Wilkins followed up his 1st round 71 with a 70 for a three under total of 141, two shots back. Hillcrest High golfer Mark Ingalls shot a 70 for a 142 while Thomas Barker and former champ Chris Eassy were at 1 under 143. Past SC Match Play Champ Bill Bowers was alone at even par for the tournament.

93 players made the 36 hole cut for Sunday's final round. The players will tee off from 7:30-9:30 Sunday, with the top 47 going off #1, the final group playing at 9:30. Come out to Holly Tree Country Club for what is shaping up to be an exciting final round of the 2009 Powerade Greenville County Amatuer!
Saturday scores

Ferrell Garland 67 72 139
Cobb Rick 73 67 140
Wilkins Chris 71 70 141
Ingalls Mark 72 70 142
Barker Thomas 72 71 143
Eassy Chris 71 72 143
Bowers Bill 71 73 144
Cloer Michael 74 71 145
Hall Mark 74 71 145
Hendley Todd 73 72 145
Revis Jeremy 75 70 145
Stephens Jeff 74 71 145
Myers Andy 73 73 146
Owens Casey 73 73 146
Ware Jeff 72 74 146
Berchiatti Geno 75 72 147
Brock Danny 71 76 147
Grumbles Marcus 72 75 147
Hartin Mike 73 74 147
Henderson John 71 76 147
Johnson Mack 76 71 147
Oyervides Derrick 75 72 147
Sargent Herbie 73 74 147
Williams Nick 73 74 147
Crane Jared 74 74 148
Early Keith 77 71 148
Mitchell Andy 72 76 148
Beam Scott 75 74 149
Harvey Bill 75 74 149
McGaha Benji 74 75 149
Siefort Chad 73 76 149
Suber Whit 76 73 149
Wagner Duff 74 75 149
Wilson Jimmy 76 73 149
Baldwin Jesse 75 75 150
Bridwell Trey 74 76 150
Edens Adam 77 73 150
Ellington David 78 72 150
Gault Jr Michael 78 72 150
Hines Bobby 76 74 150
Kirkland Ken 78 72 150
Stathakis Michael 76 74 150
Ashworth Tommy 78 73 151
Friday Scott 71 80 151
Morris Pat 74 77 151
Ramey Doug 70 81 151
Grumbles Shane 77 75 152
Jaeggi Jeff 77 75 152
Johnson Yancey 78 74 152
Lutomski Robert 73 79 152
Souza Mark 73 79 152
Askins Charlie 80 73 153
Banks Nat 76 77 153
Kirven Steven 77 76 153
Seidel Will 75 78 153
Tedstone Bradley 76 77 153
DeShields Mike 80 74 154
Gravley Mike 73 81 154
Hughey Hunter 77 77 154
Hurst Voit 77 77 154
Lewis Brian 76 78 154
O'Neal Josh 76 78 154
Torres Mark 76 78 154
Carter Ken 78 77 155
Hammacher Joe 72 83 155
Hawkins Brad 79 76 155
Jaeggi Greg 77 78 155
Moody Mark 79 76 155
Page Roger 79 76 155
Reardon Pat 77 78 155
Rodgers Britt 76 79 155
Scott Steve 82 73 155
Cash Glen 79 77 156
Johnson Rob 76 80 156
McCann Steven 77 79 156
Robarge Richard 78 78 156
Schulz Craig 81 75 156
Tooke Doug 80 76 156
Waldthausen Kurt 80 76 156
Black Adam 80 77 157
Brissie Rob 81 76 157
Dean Bill 81 76 157
English Noel 76 81 157
Kelley Bill 78 79 157
Leslie Bo 78 79 157
Balkcum Ty 82 76 158
Borders D.A. 80 78 158
Brewer Matt 81 77 158
Clontz Ron 81 77 158
Gillig Russ 80 78 158
Gosnell Tad 78 80 158
Hyder Wade 83 75 158
Reid Todd 80 78 158
Addyman Steve 81 78 159
Brown Doug 77 82 159
Constantino Dan 78 81 159
Hathaway Bill 78 81 159
Henson Marty 83 76 159
Pauksta Dan 83 76 159
Reid Steven 82 77 159
Howard Josh 79 81 160
McCall Benji 82 78 160
Urness Bob 80 80 160
Younts David 79 81 160
Younts Laney 87 73 160
Bourn Michael 84 77 161
Burns Ray 83 78 161
Cooper Chris 78 83 161
Fowler Keith 80 81 161
Hall David 80 81 161
Holtzclaw Michael 80 81 161
Justus James 81 80 161
Merritt Nathan 80 81 161
Merritt Wayne 81 80 161
Nance Dean 81 80 161
Powers Dustin 84 77 161
Sanders Cary 80 81 161
Smith Bill 81 80 161
Stitt Michael 77 84 161
Abercrombie Brent 78 84 162
Abercrombie Will 82 80 162
Blanton Terry 80 82 162
Jones Tim 84 78 162
King Trevor 82 80 162
Minyard Mike 79 83 162
Pihl Andy 83 79 162
Willis Terry 82 80 162
Aiken Bud 85 78 163
Beeks Barry 82 81 163
Blackwood Weston 83 80 163
Martin Bob 82 81 163
Thomason Jay 83 80 163
Tucker Jonthan 83 80 163
Wallace Chris 83 80 163
Bright Steven 81 83 164
Caldwell Derrick 83 81 164
Ollom Andrew 82 82 164
Gravley Robbie 81 84 165
Oldham Dana 84 81 165
Patterson Joey 82 83 165
Robinson Casey 84 81 165
Daniel Bill 87 79 166
Heitz Chuck 92 74 166
Holtzclaw Johnny 81 85 166
Marchant Brian 87 79 166
Gestwicki Ryan 81 86 167
Hunt Martin 87 81 168
Ream Bobby 84 85 169
Sijon Andrew 85 84 169
Banks Shanne 83 87 170
Burton Scott 89 81 170
Cochran Mark 86 84 170
Poe Brian 91 79 170
Gaddy Gary 88 83 171
Foster Matthew 89 83 172
Heard Stephen 86 86 172
Hunt David 90 82 172
Oyervides Rick 89 83 172
Durham Jeff 89 84 173
Brown Charlie 83 91 174
Johnson Russell 84 90 174
Morabito Richard 89 85 174
Nelson J.D. 86 89 175
Bryant Chris 89 87 176
Gaboriault Rob 92 84 176
Martin Jason 90 86 176
Peace Justen 87 90 177
Perry Greg 89 88 177
Satterfield Ricky 86 91 177
Ellington Royce 84 94 178
Kirkland Michael 90 88 178
Petty Jerry 86 92 178
Flach Jason 93 88 181
Lavery Nick 90 93 183
Davis Stephen 93 91 184
Dobson Jeff 87 97 184
Anderson Steve 92 95 187
Stanfield John 97 90 187
Sammons Tim 98 91 189
Cox Kevin 92 99 191
Daniel Jamie 95 101 196
Sammons Rick 100 103 203
Reid Kevin 88 DQ DQ
Barr Andrew 85 NC NC
Brandt Britt NC NC
Dase Bryan NC NC
Garrett Tim 72 NC NC
Haughwout Timothy 96 NC NC
Pennington Jeffry 74 NC NC
Reardon Tim WD NC NC
Gault Eddie 81 WD WD
Hawkins Tom 90 WD WD

Sunday Tee Times - #1 Tee

7:30 Shane Grumbles
7:30 Pat Morris
7:30 Doug Ramey

7:40 Scott Friday
7:40 Ken Kirkland
7:40 Tommy Ashworth
7:40 Michael Stathakis

7:50 Bobby Hines
7:50 David Ellington
7:50 Michael Gault
7:50 Adam Edens

8:00 Trey Bridwell
8:00 Jesse Baldwin
8:00 Duff Wagner
8:00 Chad Seifort

8:10 Jimmy Wilson
8:10 Whit Suber
8:10 Benji McGaha
8:10 Bill Harvey

8:20 Scott Beam
8:20 Andy Mitchell
8:20 Jared Crane
8:20 Keith Early

8:40 Nick Williams
8:40 Herbie Sargent
8:40 Derrick Oyervides
8:40 Mack Johnson

8:50 Danny Brock
8:50 Marcus Grumbles
8:50 Mike Hartin
8:50 John Henderson

9:00 Geno Berchatti
9:00 Jeff Ware
9:00 Casey Owens
9:00 Andy Myers

9:10 Jeff Stephens
9:10 Jeremy Revis
9:10 Todd Hendley
9:10 Mark Hall

9:20 Michael Cloer
9:20 Bill Bowers
9:20 Chris Eassy
9:20 Thomas Barker

9:30 Garland Ferrell
9:30 Rick Cobb
9:30 Chris Wilkins
9:30 Mark Ingalls

Sunday Tee Times - #10 Tee

7:30 Todd Reid
7:30 Tad Gosnell
7:30 Wade Hyder

7:40 Matt Brewer
7:40 Ron Clontz
7:40 Russ Gillig

7:50 Bill Kelley
7:50 Bo Leslie
7:50 Ty Balkcum
7:50 D.A. Borders

8:00 Adam Black
8:00 Rob Brissie
8:00 Bill Dean
8:00 Noel English

8:10 Richard Robarge
8:10 Craig Schulz
8:10 Doug Tooke
8:10 Kurt Waldthausen

8:20 Steve Scott
8:20 Glen Cash
8:20 Rob Johnson
8:20 Steven McCann

8:40 Britt Rodgers
8:40 Pat Reardon
8:40 Mark Moody
8:40 Roger Page

8:50 Joe Hammacher
8:50 Ken Carter
8:50 Greg Jaeggi
8:50 Brad Hawkins

9:00 Voit Hurst
9:00 Bryan Lewis
9:00 Mark Torres
9:00 Josh O'Neal

9:10 Steven Kirven
9:10 Mike Gravley
9:10 Hunter Hughey
9:10 Mike DeShields

9:20 Bradley Tedstone
9:20 Will Seidel
9:20 Nat Banks
9:20 Charlie Askins

9:30 Yancey Johnson
9:30 Jeff Jaeggi
9:30 Robert Lutomski
9:30 Mark Souza

Garland Ferrell takes early lead in 2009 Powerade Greenville County Amateur

2006 Champ posts late 67 to pace first day....

For nearly all of the 1st day, it looked as though Doug Ramey's two under par 70 would edge out six other players with 71's for the first round lead in the 42nd Powerade Greenville County Amateur at Holly Tree Country Club on Friday. Then Garland Ferrell arrived at the scorers table with a nifty 67 to claim a three shot lead. Ferrell, who won three years ago at Pebble Creek, started Friday on #10 and proceeded to shoot 32 on his opening nine. He played the front at two under as well, until a final hole bogey at #9 gave him a 67. After Ramey's 70, the players at 71 included Bill Bowers, Danny Brock, John Henderson, Chris Wilkins, Scott Friday, and 2004 champion Chris Eassy.

Defending Champion Trey Bridwell had a 74, while Whit Suber, who won the last time the tournament was at Holly Tree in 2003 struggled to get things going and had 76. Four time champ Mike Gravley was at 1 over 73.

The tournament continues Saturday beginning at 7:30 A.M. withe the field of 192 players vying to make the cut to the low 90 scores & ties for Sunday's final round. Come out and check out the action at Holly Tree for the Powerade Greenville County Amateur. Admission is free to the public.
2009 Powerade Greenville County Amateur - Friday Scores Results

Garland Ferrell 67
Doug Ramey 70
Bill Bowers 71
Danny Brock 71
Chris Eassy 71
Scott Friday 71
John Henderson 71
Chris Wilkins 71
Thomas Barker 72
Tim Garrett 72
Marcus Grumbles 72
Joe Hammacher 72
Mark Ingalls 72
Andy Mitchell 72
Jeff Ware 72
Rick Cobb 73
Mike Gravley 73
Mike Hartin 73
Todd Hendley 73
Robert Lutomski 73
Andy Myers 73
Casey Owens 73
Herbie Sargeant 73
Chad Siefort 73
Mark Souza 73
Nick Williams 73
Trey Bridwell 74
Michael Cloer 74
Jared Crane 74
Mark Hall 74
Benji McGaha 74
Pat Morris 74
Jeffry Pennington 74
Jeff Stephens 74
Duff Wagner 74
Jesse Baldwin 75
Scott Beam 75
Geno Berchiatti 75
Bill Harvey 75
Derrick Oyervides 75
Jeremy Revis 75
Will Seidel 75
Nat Banks 76
Noel English 76
Bobby Hines 76
Mack Johnson 76
Rob Johnson 76
Brian Lewis 76
Josh O'Neal 76
Britt Rodgers 76
Michael Stathakis 76
Whit Suber 76
Bradley Tedstone 76
Mark Torres 76
Jimmy Wilson 76
Doug Brown 77
Keith Early 77
Adam Edens 77
Shane Grumbles 77
Hunter Hughey 77
Voit Hurst 77
Greg Jaeggi 77
Jeff Jaeggi 77
Steven Kirven 77
Steven McCann 77
Pat Reardon 77
Michael Stitt 77
Brent Abercrombie 78
Tommy Ashworth 78
Ken Carter 78
Dan Constantino 78
Chris Cooper 78
David Ellington 78
Michael Gault Jr 78
Tad Gosnell 78
Bill Hathaway 78
Yancey Johnson 78
Bill Kelley 78
Ken Kirkland 78
Bo Leslie 78
Richard Robarge 78
Glen Cash 79
Brad Hawkins 79
Josh Howard 79
Mike Minyard 79
Mark Moody 79
Roger Page 79
David Younts 79
Charlie Askins 80
Adam Black 80
Terry Blanton 80
D.A. Borders 80
Mike DeShields 80
Keith Fowler 80
Russ Gillig 80
David Hall 80
Michael Holtzclaw 80
Nathan Merritt 80
Todd Reid 80
Cary Sanders 80
Doug Tooke 80
Kurt Waldthausen 80
Bob Urness 80
Steve Addyman 81
Matt Brewer 81
Steven Bright 81
Rob Brissie 81
Ron Clontz 81
Bill Dean 81
Eddie Gault 81
Ryan Gestwicki 81
Robbie Gravley 81
Johnny Holtzclaw 81
James Justus 81
Wayne Merritt 81
Dean Nance 81
Craig Schulz 81
Bill Smith 81
Will Abercrombie 82
Ty Balkcum 82
Barry Beeks 82
Trevor King 82
Bob Martin 82
Benji McCall 82
Andrew Ollom 82
Joey Patterson 82
Steven Reid 82
Steve Scott 82
Terry Willis 82
Shanne Banks 83
Weston Blackwood 83
Charlie Brown 83
Ray Burns 83
Derrick Caldwell 83
Marty Henson 83
Wade Hyder 83
Dan Pauksta 83
Andy Pihl 83
Jay Thomason 83
Jonthan Tucker 83
Chris Wallace 83
Michael Bourn 84
Royce Ellington 84
Russell Johnson 84
Tim Jones 84
Dana Oldham 84
Dustin Powers 84
Bobby Ream 84
Casey Robinson 84
Bud Aiken 85
Andrew Barr 85
Andrew Sijon 85
Mark Cochran 86
Stephen Heard 86
J.D. Nelson 86
Jerry Petty 86
Ricky Satterfield 86
Bill Daniel 87
Jeff Dobson 87
Martin Hunt 87
Brian Marchant 87
Justen Peace 87
Laney Younts 87
Gary Gaddy 88
Kevin Reid 88
Scott Bryant 89
Scott Burton 89
Jeff Durham 89
Matthew Foster 89
Richard Morabito 89
Rick Oyervides 89
Greg Perry 89
Tom Hawkins 90
David Hunt 90
Michael Kirkland 90
Nick Lavery 90
Jason Martin 90
Brian Poe 91
Steve Anderson 92
Kevin Cox 92
Rob Gaboriault 92
Chuck Heitz 92
Stephen Davis 93
Jason Flach 93
Jamie Daniel 95
Timothy Haughwout 96
John Stanfield 97
Tim Sammons 98
Rick Sammons 100
Britt Brandt NC
Bryan Dase NC
Tim Reardon WD

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